Roof Insurance Claims

We use the highest quality roofing materials

Roof Insurance Claims

If you have sustained any damage to your roof, your homeowners insurance policy should cover the cost to replace your damaged roof.

When you make a claim by yourself is like walking into a courtroom without a lawyer, you don’t know the rules, you don’t know what to ask and the insurance company will use all of that against you (almost all of them).

In the insurance claim process; the insurance adjuster serves as judge and jury so if they say claim denied or this is the only amount you are going to get,“ when your roof actually need a full replacement, you will have little recourse if you do not understand how the process works.

It is a very confusing process and you should have someone to assist you to make it more easy, knowledgeable and understandable.

Years Experience
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Satisfied Clients
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At Anamco Roofing we assist homeowners who needs help with their insurance claims process, we do it fairly, legally and in great attention to detail.

Please contact Anamco Roofing if you think your roof has suffered any storm damage such as wind or hail, and one of our experience roofing specialist will help you understand how easy the process can be when you have someone knowable making you feel comfortable in your claim process.

How Does A “Free Roof” Paid Entirely By Your Insurance Company Sound?

A new law passed in 2019 that it is illegal for any roofing company to waive an insurance deductible.

The law came about as a direct result of the behavior of some roofing companies after big storms would hit an area. Many roofing companies will offer to waive or absorb the deductible.

Effective as of September 1, 2019, it states that it is illegal for roofers to offer to waive a deductible or promise a rebate for all or part of a deductible. Violators could get up to a $2,000 fine and up to six months in jail.

Start and finish date provided

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Lifetime warranty on labor for as long as you live in your home

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Rubberized shingle that won't crack, delaminate, buckle or curl

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We use the highest quality roofing materials.

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Why choose us

We can save you money on your next roofing project

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Professional Expert

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Certified Team

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On time

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24/7 Premium Support

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